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Chinese medicine has certain advantages and efficacy in treating endometriosis and promoting conception. Endometriosis falls under the categories of "dysmenorrhoea", "obstruction", "infertility", and "menstrual disorders" in Chinese medicine. These conditions have a long history of recognition in Chinese medicine. For example, the ancient Chinese medical text Huangdi Neijing first introduced the name of female infertility, and the later ancient medical text Jin Kui Yao Zi (The Essentials of the Golden Horoscope) was the first to record the symptoms of dysmenorrhoea. And the differentiation between obstruction and pregnancy and formulated several famous prescriptions for the treatment of obstruction and dysmenorrhoea , such as Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan, Da Huang Eupolyphaga Wan, Jiang Wan, Xie Yu Blood Stasis Soup, Hong Lan Hua Wine, Wen Menstruation Soup and Tu Gua Gen San. In the book "Treatise on the Origin of the Diseases" by Chao Shi Yuan