It is an oestrogen-dependent disease in which female hormones are the leading cause of the growth of endometriotic lesions. It is associated with irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhoea and is closely related to infertility. Chinese medicine combined with acupuncture can reduce residual lesions, delay recurrence, prevent peripheral adhesions and increase pregnancy rate.
The prevalence of endometriosis in the female population is 6-10%, and approximately 30-50% of women with endometriosis are infertile. Relatively speaking, 25-50% of infertile women have endometriosis. The monthly fecundity of a normal couple is 0.15-0.20 and decreases with age. The incidence of chocolate cysts in women aged 25-40 years is 10%. Surgery can improve the pregnancy rate in infertile women, but there is a recurrence rate of up to 25%. Post-operative Chinese medicine, combined with acupuncture, can lower CA125, reduce adhesions and improve pregnancy and live birth rates.
Chinese medicine practitioners have studied the pathology and treatment options of this disease from a macroscopic perspective, classifying ovarian chocolate cysts as "blood obstruction", "dysmenorrhoea" and "infertility" in Chinese medicine. The clinical symptoms and signs can be categorised as "blood stasis, " which includes cold stagnation, qi stagnation, heat stagnation, and kidney deficiency. The most common type of blood stasis is cold clotting and blood stasis combined with kidney deficiency. The herbs Wu Zhu Yu and Xiao Fennel are used to warm the meridians, invigorate the blood and remove blood stasis, San Qi and Blood Drain to invigorate the blood and remove blood stasis, San Ling and Curcuma to remove blood stasis and eliminate pain, Pu Huang, Wu Ling Li and Dan Shen to invigorate the blood and regulate the meridians, and Xiang Shen and Yan Hu Suo to dredge the liver and regulate Qi to relieve pain. In clinical practice, Chinese herbalists can continue to treat the blood before ovulation to invigorate blood stasis and enhance blood circulation in the pelvic cavity. After ovulation, to tonify the kidney and benefit the sperm facilitate pregnancy. In this formula, Cuscuta sinensis tonifies the kidney and Yang, Fructus Lycii enhances essence and blood, Wu Wei Zi and Raspberry tonify the kidney and fix astringency, and Plantago ovata also tonifies the liver and kidney.
In addition, acupuncture treatment can be combined with moxibustion. Acupuncture and moxibustion can be applied to selected acupuncture points on the Ren, Liver, Spleen and Kidney meridians, starting with Qi and Blood to activate Qi and blood circulation, warming the meridians and dispersing cold, unblocking the meridians, and eliminating symptoms and dissipating knots. Qi Hai is chosen to benefit the Qi and consolidate the uterus; Guan Yuan tonifies the Qi of the Chong and Ren Channels and benefits the Kidney Qi; Zi Gong is an extra-meridian point and is used to treat uterine diseases. Foot San Li is a point on the Foot Yang Ming Stomach meridian, which regulates the Spleen and Stomach. Together with the San Yin Jiao point, where the Foot Tai Yin Spleen meridian, Foot Shao Yin Kidney meridian and Foot Convulsive Yin Liver meridian meet, it strengthens the Spleen to regulate Blood and the Blood Chamber to regulate the Jing Gong. The Blood Sea is located on the Foot Taiyin Spleen Meridian, where blood gathers and acupuncture can regulate the meridians' blood. Combined with the moxibustion of Qi Hai and Guan Yuan, the acupuncture point can warm the meridians and disperse the cold, thus improving the pelvic circulation.
Self-care and precautions after surgery for ovarian chocolate cysts include
The wound after laparoscopic surgery is small and should be covered with a cosmetic gel or waterproof dressing to keep the wound dry. You will usually experience abdominal distention and shoulder pain, which will improve after about 2-3 days. You should avoid lifting heavy objects over 5kg for 1 month after surgery to avoid overexertion of the abdominal muscles.
For open surgery, the wound should be kept dry, and a lap band can be used after surgery to facilitate early movement out of bed and improve recovery. Avoid lifting heavy objects over 5kg for 2 months after surgery.
Avoid bloating foods such as beans, eggs and dairy products, and stimulating foods such as sesame oil, alcohol and spicy foods.
Exercise moderately, e.g. Baduanjin, Taijiquan, brisk walking, jogging, etc.
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